Award-winning metaverse steps up economic development with launch of Utility Token $PAXW

ZURICH, SWITZERLANDOct 29 2022Blockchain Wire
Award-winning metaverse steps up economic development with launch of Utility Token $PAXW

The award-winning metaverse announces the launch of its token $PAXW - a native token used to expand its rapidly developing ecosystem. is a 3D world offering immersive, life-like experiences, including highly detailed business centres where real-life organisations can hold events, meetings, and AMAs. It will also feature educational centres for an interactive learning experience, and NFT galleries, displaying and auctioning the works of real-life artists.

The metaverse will also feature inspired designs from world-class architecture firms such as Grimshaw, which commissioned to create one of four ‘metaserais’ - central gathering places for its citizens of

The $PAXW token, which runs on the carbon-neutral Polygon (MATIC) blockchain, will power the experience of citizens - rewarding them for in-world achievements, creating engaging content, and helping to build and support the larger community.

Holders of the token will also be able to vote to determine the future direction of In addition, the token will also allow citizens to vote on the allocation of content rewards and resources owned by the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

$PAXW can be used to buy land and pay for in-world services. Furthermore, the token will be the primary medium of exchange in the marketplace for both virtual and real-world products and services. 

In-world commercial activities that will utilise $PAXW include:

  • Virtual business headquarters and customer support offices

  • Venues and arenas for concerts and live performances

  • Advertising in virtual spaces

  • Educational establishments

  • Purchasing NFTs from art galleries

$PAXW tokens will also be used in staking, which is a way for community members to support the project and enhance their experience by gaining access to exclusive rewards, including limited edition NFTs and a VIP program of talks and events. Staking also boosts the rewards citizens receive for their achievements, including visiting locations, completing assignments, creating content, and community engagement.

In addition to $PAXW rewards, achievements can unlock new UI functionalities and transport privileges.

Metaverse users can also obtain in-world privileges and functionalities much faster by paying or staking $PAXW. Additionally, $PAXW can be earned by participating in in-world events, interacting with the metaverse, consuming content from others, and producing experiences for others. will list $PAXW in Q4 of 2022.

About is a metaverse that is open and accessible to everyone. The platform offers a rich hybrid environment that blends 3D models with life-like interaction capabilities, by integrating some of the standard communication methods already in use, such as video and voice calls, as well as streaming and broadcasting systems.

The design of includes engage-to-earn features and gamification, which are crucial to attracting new users and maintaining their engagement. The platform allows users to enter web3 directly from their laptops or mobile devices with a quick wallet onboard, low hardware requirements, and without needing a graphics card or VR gear. is designed to satisfy the requirements of both customers and artists, enabling companies and the general public to interact, have fun, and profit in the metaverse.



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